What is The Grace Nation?

The Grace Nation is the people who have joined in with This Is Grace to spread the message of God’s Grace which has been given to us through Jesus. He has taken up residence in our hearts. Our lives now reflect how we live always abiding in His Love, Kindness and Forgiveness―the three pillars of This Is Grace. We display Grace in the way we interact with people, how we speak to people and how we treat people. There is much power in being loving, kind and forgiving. 

We want God to use The Grace Nation to touch the world with His Grace. It is His will that no one in the world should perish because of their sin but that all people should come to repentance of their sins. We agree with Him. Grace is for everyone who is willing to receive it. God’s Grace changes your heart. Though we are imperfect, make mistakes and mess up, God is still able to use us to His glory. We in The Grace Nation have been given abundant Grace, and now we want to share it with others.

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